8 Reasons to Build a Custom App for Your Business

building a custom app

Source: Freepik

In today’s highly dynamic and fast-changing market, it is essential for business owners to stay competitive. And, as technology advances, having a custom-designed app can make all the difference in a business’s ability to hone its competitive advantage. 

However, not all web or mobile apps are created equal – and making the right investment is vital to reach your goals while safeguarding your budget. 

In this guide, we’ll look at how apps can benefit a business, and how business owners can make the best decision for their company’s growth. 



Remain Competitive in Today’s Market

According to recent statistics, nearly half of small-to-medium enterprises have an app, and this percentage has been growing steadily over time. In turn, if you are looking to remain competitive in today’s market and hone your competitive advantage, investing in a business app may be necessary. 

An app provides customers quick access to products and services, while also opening the doors for more effective data analysis, user engagement, and marketing efforts. Combined, these advantages show how having a business app is critical to success. 


Provide a Better, More Customized User Experience

No matter whether you are running a small business or a large corporation, understanding how to improve your customer experience is critical to attracting new users and retaining returning customers. 

A business app can help you achieve all this and more. Indeed, business apps allow you to tap into insights that are essential to creating more customized experiences for your users. Additionally, thanks to notifications and message features, a web or mobile app can play an irreplaceable role in helping you establish and nurture relationships with your audience. 

This level of control also comes in handy from a security perspective. With a custom app, you can take charge of protecting customer data and preserving your reputation, whether by choosing to scan for OWASP vulnerabilities, implementing stringent password policies, or fighting back against phishing scams.


Increase Sales and Profits 

If you’re looking to increase profits, a custom app can give your business the extra boost it needs. Through an app, you can deliver personalized discounts to your customers, and provide new users with welcome offers and promotions. 

Thanks to push notifications, customers can also access these discounts at any time, and be notified of price reductions, limited-time offers, and sales as they happen. 

By using an app, you can also take advantage of technology such as geo-targeting, which makes it even easier for customers to find promotions or coupons offered locally.


Gain Market Insights and Data

When it comes down to creating a marketing strategy or refining your products and services, you’ll need to have relevant and accurate market insights at hand. However, as your target audience expands, it may not always be easy to keep track of data. 

Investing in an app is an excellent choice to collect customer data and insights, such as browsing behavior, actions taken, preferences, and more. You can then use this data to tailor your offerings, better meet customer needs, or offer discounts specific to certain demographics.



Improve the Quality of Your Customer Service

Good customer support is essential for keeping your clients happy and satisfied, but it may be challenging for a business to scale up its customer service without the right technology in place. 

Having an app – especially if it features a chatbot with live-chat capabilities – allows you to remain connected with your customers 24/7, which can increase loyalty and trust. Live chat support within an app also means users get quicker responses and better resolution times, which can improve their experience with your brand and increase loyalty. You can use external tools such as Sceyt’s chat sdk to effortlessly integrate a live chat feature into your app.


Boost Your Reputation Through Feedback and Reviews

Strategies such as app store optimization play an essential role in boosting your online reputation. Indeed, evaluating the reviews left by your users on platforms such as Google Play, Amazon AppStore, and Apple Store can help you identify their needs and create products and services more appealing to your audience. 

Responding to customer reviews and feedback can also encourage conversations with existing or prospective customers, which can help you manage your brand reputation. 


Take Advantage of Sophisticated Features 

Apps have many useful and sophisticated features like integrations with other software businesses use, such as customer relationship management (CRM) systems. 

Additionally, apps allow you to provide push notifications and loyalty program rewards directly to customers’ devices, which can boost your user engagement. Plus, location-based notifications allow you to create a more seamless customer journey and provide users with relevant offers without having to rely on cold emailing or SMS messages.

Ad hoc apps also provide powerful services that allow you to screen share in your web app. This feature allows users to quickly collaborate online, connect across different devices, and easily engage with your business. 


Reduce Marketing and Sales Costs

You can significantly reduce the amount of time and money you spend on marketing and sales initiatives by utilizing an app for your business. With an up-to-date, user-friendly mobile or web application that supports online ordering, payments, customer service inquiries, and delivery processes, you can streamline your operations and deliver a more modern experience at a fraction of the cost. 



Start Building an App For Your Business Today

A one-stop shop app solution can help you build efficiency and precision into complex business processes. And, when designed around the needs of your brand, an app can help create a more cohesive online presence and better user experiences. 

But, before investing in an app, make sure to partner with a specialist and ensure that the end result will meet your needs, budget, and goals!

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