Content Marketing Fundamentals: 8 Things I Wish I Knew Before Launching My Site’s Blog

Starting a blog for your site feels like stepping into a boundless digital galaxy. You’re brimming with ideas, eager to share your insights and set to carve out a unique space. But, expecting a journey of only putting words on a page won’t return the desired results. It’s going to take an intricate mix of strategy, creativity, and a bit of tech-savvy. We learned this the hard way.

Now, we’ll walk you through eight vital lessons we wish someone told us before we embarked on our blogging journey. The tips we’ll discuss are hard-earned truths that transformed our approach to content marketing.

We’ll dive into each tactic, understand its benefits, the pitfalls of ignoring it, and how to practically implement it. Whether you’re a seasoned blogger or just starting, these insights will sharpen your strategy, engage your audience more effectively, and steer your blog toward success.



Some Leads Prefer Tools Over Answers

Imagine you’re seeking answers online. Sometimes, you find a straightforward response, and other times, you discover a tool that answers your question and invites exploration at the same time. That’s the difference between static information and dynamic interactivity.

Interactive tools offer a unique advantage – they engage users more deeply than static content. When your site provides a tool, it transforms visitors from passive readers into active participants. This engagement fosters a stronger connection with your brand and can lead to higher retention rates and more frequent returns to your site.

Just offering answers can sometimes fall flat. When users receive the information passively, they’re less likely to remember it or feel connected to your brand. They might get the answer they need but miss the opportunity to explore the subject further or understand its practical applications.

To incorporate interactivity into your content:

  • Start by identifying common questions or challenges your audience faces.
  • Then, develop tools that answer these questions.
    Allow users to interact with the information.

This could be calculators, quizzes, interactive guides, or simulations.

A shining example of this approach is ShopSolar, a company specializing in solar power systems. They’ve created a page dedicated to watts, volts, and amps calculator. This tool goes beyond merely explaining these electrical units. Users can input their own values, see real-time calculations, and understand how these units work in practice.

ShopSolar’s page is a practical, interactive learning experience that engages the user and enhances their understanding of solar power systems. The approach helps the business establish authority in its field and create a memorable experience that draws users back to their site.


Product Insight Is a Great Source of New Content

When crafting content for your blog, it’s easy to rely solely on keyword research. While this is a valuable tool, overlooking your product as a source of content is a missed opportunity. Diving into the potential of what you offer can unlock a goldmine of engaging and original content.

Focusing on your product for content creation offers a two-fold benefit: better conversion rates and improved customer retention. By showcasing the unique aspects and advantages of your product, you’ll be able to attract readers and guide them through the buyer’s journey. This approach resonates deeply with leads who’re further down the sales funnel and existing customers, reinforcing their decision to choose your brand.

Neglecting to use your product as a source of content can lead to a disconnect between what your audience reads and what you offer. Content that’s only based on keyword research might draw in traffic, but it may not effectively convert readers into customers or help retain them. Your audience might miss out on understanding the full value of your product, leading to lower engagement and higher churn rates.

Lanteria, an HR management platform, exemplifies this strategy brilliantly. Upon visiting their homepage, visitors are greeted with a video tour of their product. This isn’t yet another generic introduction but an immersive insight into what makes their platform stand out.

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Source: lanteria

The video tour allows potential customers to visualize the product in action, understand its features, and see its value firsthand. This approach captures the visitor’s attention and provides a comprehensive understanding of the product, thereby enhancing the likelihood of conversion and retention.


A Percentage of Your Blog Posts Need to Have a Conversion Angle

While content marketing primarily focuses on addressing pain points and building brand awareness, incorporating a conversion angle in some of your blog posts is a strategic move. This approach doesn’t mean turning your blog into a sales brochure. It’s more about subtly guiding readers toward making a purchase decision while still providing them with valuable, informative content.

Creating content with a conversion angle can significantly boost your sales funnel effectiveness. This strategy caters to readers who are further along in their buying journey and are considering a purchase.

Exclusively focusing on brand awareness and problem-solving content might lead to missed opportunities to convert readers into customers. Visitors who are ready to buy might leave your blog without finding that final piece of convincing content that aligns with their purchase intent.

To strike the right balance, ensure that your conversion-focused content still offers real value. The key is to craft content that doesn’t read like an advertisement but rather as an informative piece that subtly includes your offers.

ATH, a sports nutrition supplements brand, masters this approach in their blog post titled “Best Natural Pre-Workout Supplements to Minimize Workout Fatigue.” The content is informative, addressing common workout concerns, and throughout, it seamlessly integrates their products. This integration is natural and adds value to the reader’s quest for solutions.

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Source: athsport


Similarly, Lick, a wallpaper and paint brand, demonstrates this tactic in their “How to Use Pastel Colors in Your Home” blog post. The article is educational and engaging, focusing on interior design tips. As it discusses the use of pastels, it effortlessly weaves in related products, offering readers the option to purchase them directly.

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Source: Link



Evergreen Content Gives Readers a Reason to Return to Your Blog

In content marketing, evergreen content stands as a beacon of sustained value. Unlike trendy topics that lose relevance, evergreen content remains useful over time, giving readers a compelling reason to revisit your blog.

Evergreen content is a critical component for sustaining and growing your audience. According to a HubSpot study, one in ten blog posts is compounding, meaning organic search increases their traffic over time. Evergreen content often falls into this category, becoming a continuous source of traffic and a consistent driver of brand awareness.

Focusing solely on current trends or time-sensitive content can lead to a short-lived spike in traffic but fails to guarantee long-term engagement. Without evergreen content, you miss the opportunity to establish your blog as a go-to resource that readers return to repeatedly for reliable information.

To create evergreen content:

  • Identify topics that are universally relevant to your audience.
  • Ensure that the topics are unlikely to change significantly over time.
  • The content should be comprehensive, easy to understand, and applicable to readers regardless of when they discover it.
  • Regular updates to keep the content current are also crucial.

Love the Night Sky, an astronomy website and telescope reviewer, offers a prime example with their guide to finding and seeing the planets. This guide remains relevant year after year, drawing in astronomy enthusiasts who are looking for timeless information about celestial observation.

Buffer, a social media toolkit for small businesses, also effectively employs this strategy. Their creator’s guide to YouTube Shorts analytics is an invaluable resource for anyone navigating the ever-evolving world of social media. The content remains applicable regardless of changing social media trends, providing enduring value to content creators.

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Source: buffer


Breaking Walls of Text Does Wonders for Readability

In an age where the average attention span is shrinking, the readability of your blog content is more crucial than ever. Avoiding walls of text and embracing chunking makes your content more digestible and engaging for readers.

Multiple studies reveal that the human attention span has significantly decreased in the past two decades. This shift emphasizes the importance of making your content easily skimmable and engaging. Readers are more likely to stay on your page and absorb the information if it’s presented in manageable chunks.

Presenting information in long, unbroken paragraphs can be overwhelming for readers, leading to a higher bounce rate. Dense text blocks can deter readers, especially those browsing on mobile devices, where screen real estate is limited. The lack of engagement with such content can negatively impact your site’s metrics and SEO ranking.

To improve readability:

  • Break your content into smaller sections with clear subheadings.
  • Use bullet points and numbered lists to make the content more skimmable.
  • Craft short paragraphs to convey information succinctly. This will enhance your user experience and make it easier for readers to find specific information quickly.

SeaRates, an online freight marketplace, demonstrates the effective use of chunking in their blog post on the major sea routes in the world. The post is structured with numerous subheadings, listings, and visuals, making it easy for readers to navigate through the content and absorb the information. This layout caters perfectly to both quick browsers and in-depth readers, enhancing the overall readability and engagement with the content.

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Source: searates


Trust Signals Can Elevate Content by Building Credibility

In the realm of content marketing, establishing trust with your audience is non-negotiable, especially when dealing with topics that require expertise or scientific backing. Integrating credibility signals like writer credentials, scientific citations, and clear editorial policies is all it takes to separate you from the rest.

With most blogs being flooded with information, distinguishing your content as trustworthy and authoritative can make all the difference. A study by the Content Marketing Institute found that 74% of companies believe that content quality and credibility have a direct impact on their business success. Credibility signals reassure readers about the accuracy and reliability of your content, fostering trust and loyalty.

Failing to provide such signals can lead to skepticism and mistrust among readers, particularly for content in fields like health, finance, or science. Without these trust indicators, even the most well-researched content can lose its effectiveness and fail to resonate with its intended audience.

To enhance the credibility of your content:

  • Start by including the credentials of your writers, especially for technical or specialized topics.
  • Incorporate citations from reputable sources.
  • Follow clear editorial guidelines to ensure accuracy and transparency.

This approach not only builds trust with your readers but also elevates the perceived value of your content.

Healthline, a leading health and wellness website, is a sterling example of using credibility signals effectively. Their articles, like their extensive guide on ADHD, often include the credentials of the authors, such as medical doctors or certified nutritionists, and are reviewed by a panel of experts. This transparency about authorship and review process, along with scientific citations, positions Healthline as a trusted source in the health domain.

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Source: healthline


Creating New Knowledge Turns Brands into Industry Leaders

Setting your brand apart requires more than just reiterating existing information. Conducting proprietary surveys and research to generate fresh insights and knowledge can be a powerful strategy to establish your brand as an industry leader.

Original research and surveys provide unique content and also position your brand as an authority in your niche. By contributing fresh data and insights, you not only differentiate your brand but also build trust with your audience. And Edelman reports that 71% of US consumers are willing to buy from the brands they trust.

Relying solely on existing information can lead to content that doesn’t stand out. In times when consumers are bombarded with information from all sides, being just another voice in the crowd may result in missed opportunities to connect with your audience.

To implement this strategy:

  • Consider conducting independent research, surveys, or studies related to your industry or niche.
  • Share the results through well-crafted reports, infographics, or articles.
  • Don’t forget to provide valuable insights that are meaningful to your audience.

This will elevate your brand’s reputation and establish you as a thought leader in your field.

MailChimp, an email marketing platform, leverages this strategy with its “Email Marketing Statistics and Benchmarks” report. This annual report compiles data from hundreds of thousands of email campaigns, providing valuable insights into email marketing trends and benchmarks.

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Source: mailchimp

By conducting this research and sharing the findings, MailChimp has become a staple in the email marketing industry, reinforcing its position as a trusted source of knowledge and expertise.



Strategic Sharing Maximizes Content Visibility 

While SEO is a powerful tool for attracting organic traffic, relying solely on it can limit your content’s reach. To ensure your valuable content doesn’t go unnoticed, it’s vital to actively share it on social media, provide contextual internal links, and showcase blog posts on relevant site pages.

SEO is undoubtedly a valuable asset for driving organic traffic to your blog. However, it can take time to see significant results, and you may miss out on immediate opportunities to engage with your audience. Sharing your content through other channels can help bridge the gap between publishing and visibility.

Sharing your content on social media platforms amplifies its reach. Leveraging a vast audience through platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram can significantly boost your content’s exposure and engagement.

Providing contextual internal links within your blog posts guides readers to related content on your site. This also enhances the user experience by offering additional relevant information and keeps visitors engaged on your site for longer periods, reducing bounce rates.

Integrating blog posts into relevant site pages can expose your content to users who might not initially visit your blog. For example, featuring a blog post on a product page that relates to the product’s usage can capture the attention of potential customers who may have missed it otherwise.

Asana, a team and project management platform, implements this content marketing tactic by sharing their blog posts on social media. They share posts like “Personalize your task list” on platforms like LinkedIn, reaching a broader audience and generating immediate interest and engagement. This proactive approach ensures that their valuable content doesn’t remain hidden on their website but instead reaches a wider audience through strategic sharing.

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Source: LinkedIn


Final Thoughts

As we’ve explored in this article, some essential strategies and tactics can elevate your content marketing efforts, making them more effective and impactful.

Each lesson we’ve covered here contributes to a holistic approach that drives success. 

However, content marketing is an ever-evolving phenomenon, and staying ahead requires continuous learning and innovation. By implementing these lessons, you’ll not only connect with your audience but also establish your brand as a trusted source of valuable information in your niche.

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