How To Become A Pro Smart Contract Developer In 2023

smart contract developer

Source: Unsplash

Are you interested in harnessing the power of blockchain technology to revolutionize digital transactions and drive innovation? Then step into the world of smart contract development, where you’ll play a vital role in forging secure, transparent, and decentralized solutions. 

As a pro smart contract developer in 2023, you’ll work with cutting-edge tools and languages while opening doors to exciting career growth opportunities in this 7.3 billion dollar industry

Bootstrap your journey with our comprehensive guide that outlines skills, resources, and practices designed specifically to transform you from aspiring learner to industry expert!



What is a Smart Contract?

A smart contract is a self-executing agreement between two or more parties. It operates under predefined conditions set by the participants and runs automatically when those conditions are met, eliminating the need for third-party intermediaries or traditional off-chain contracts. 

Essentially, smart contracts leverage the secure and immutable nature of blockchain to ensure trustworthiness and transparency in various transactions, be they financial, legal, or otherwise. 


What is a Smart Contract Developer?

A smart contract developer is a professional who possesses the technical skills and knowledge required to design, develop, and implement smart contracts on blockchain platforms. 

With a strong background in programming languages such as Solidity or Rust, smart contract developers are well-versed in various blockchain systems like Ethereum, Polkadot, or Cardano. 

By combining creativity with technological know-how, these experts play an instrumental role in advancing the functionalities and applications of blockchain technology around the world.


Why Should You Become a Smart Contract Developer?

Even though creating smart contracts sounds like a lot of fun, you may still wonder why you should invest all that time and money learning a new skill. Here’s why we think you should.

Get to Work With New Technology

Becoming a smart contract developer offers the exciting opportunity to work with cutting-edge technology. This new tech gives you the opportunity to shape the landscape of various industries such as finance, supply chain management, e-commerce, and much more.

Chance to Experience Professional Growth

As an emerging field with vast potential for innovation, smart contract development provides ample space for professional growth and learning. Continuously refining your skills while remaining flexible to changing technology enables you to evolve with this dynamic industry.

Jobs are Very Flexible and Often Remote

Blockchain companies often grant employees greater location flexibility due to the global nature of their operations. That’s why businesses prefer to hire offshore developers. As a smart contract developer, you could benefit from remote work or hybrid work opportunities, or flexible hours that align with your lifestyle choices and preferences.

There’s a High Demand for Experts

With an increasing number of organizations adopting blockchain technology into their processes, there is surging demand for skilled smart contract developers. Once you learn these skills, you’ll be sought after, as there are few coders who are well-versed in smart contracts. 

Developers Make a Lot of Money

Since smart contract development involves specialized knowledge of blockchain architecture and programming languages, you’ll be well compensated. Not only that, but many employers will offer significant benefits to entice you to work with them instead of another company. 


What Do You Need to Become a Smart Contract Developer?

To become a full-fledged smart contract developer, you’ll need to possess a few key skills and expert knowledge. Here are ten things to learn to break into smart contract development.

The Fundamentals of Blockchain

Familiarize yourself with core concepts such as decentralized networks, distributed ledger technology, consensus mechanisms, and various types of blockchains (public or permissioned). Grasping these basics will serve as the foundation for mastering complex blockchain skills.

Knowledge of The Ethereum Blockchain

Ethereum is one of the most popular platforms for deploying smart contracts; hence, having in-depth knowledge about this particular blockchain network will be invaluable. Learn how Ethereum works and its potential applications in various industries before you move forward.

Cryptography and Security

Smart contracts entail financial transactions, so you’ll need to understand cryptography principles to keep your contracts secure. Be sure to familiarize yourself with concepts like public-key encryption, asymmetric cryptography, hashing algorithms, and digital signatures.

Solidity Coding Language 

Solidity is the most prevalent programming language for creating smart contracts. Begin by learning Solidity syntax and data types while gaining experience by writing simple yet functional contracts. Find a course that provides comprehensive training in Solidity, like a RareSkills. 

Web3.js Javascript Library

Web3.js enables seamless interaction between JavaScript applications and Ethereum nodes. As an aspiring smart contract developer, familiarizing yourself with this library will empower you to build front-end apps that connect directly with your smart contracts deployed on the chain.

Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)

Understanding how the EVM executes bytecode generated from compiled Solidity code is critical when creating efficient smart contracts on Ethereum networks. Delve into topics like gas consumption, opcode execution, and how the EVM manages data storage for your education.

Git and GitHub

Git is a widely-used version control system, whereas GitHub serves as a Git repository hosting service. As a developer, mastering these tools will allow you to collaborate with others while writing code, manage your projects effectively, and stay up-to-date with the latest updates.

Truffle Framework Tools

Truffle Framework offers indispensable tools for smart contract development on Ethereum networks. When you become proficient in Truffle, you’ll be able to compile, deploy and test contracts with ease. Truffle also provides other useful functionalities, such as Ganache.

Remix Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

Remix IDE is an open-source tool specifically tailored for the creation and testing of Solidity-based smart contracts. By harnessing its power and user-friendly interface, you can develop smart contracts using available plugins like debuggers directly in your web browser.

InterPlanetary File System (IPFS)

IPFS is a decentralized file storage protocol that allows users to store and share data across multiple nodes with higher reliability than traditional systems. Understanding IPFS will give you more options to store large amounts of data securely when devising decentralized applications.



How Do You Learn To Develop Smart Contracts?

With so many things to learn, it can be hard to find the training materials you need to start your journey. Here are a few ways you can learn how to develop smart contracts right away. 

Online Tutorials and Videos

A wealth of online resources exists to help you learn smart contract development, with tutorials, courses, and videos catering to all skill levels. Platforms such as Medium, YouTube, Coursera, and Udemy offer comprehensive guides to kickstart your blockchain/coding learning journey.

Hackathons and Coding Competitions

Taking part in hackathons or coding competitions focused on blockchain technologies will enhance your experience by providing practical challenges that test your smart contract skills. Plus, you’ll receive valuable feedback and get the chance to network at these events.

Open Source Projects

Contributing to open-source projects in the blockchain domain is an excellent way for aspiring developers to gain hands-on experience and give back to the community. If you use platforms like GitHub and GitLab, you can hone your expertise while expanding your knowledge.

Online Certification

Online certifications can significantly bolster your hireability as a professional, smart contract developer by demonstrating your commitment and competency in the field. Many accreditation providers offer certification courses specifically focusing on blockchain technologies.


How Do You Practice Development and Deployment? 

In any field, be it tech or otherwise, you’ll need to practice your skills to be perfect. To become a smart contract expert, you’ll need to practice the following things as often as possible.

Learn How to Set Up a Development Environment

To practice smart contract development effectively, you must first establish a suitable development environment. Familiarize yourself with the essential tools such as code editors (e.g., Visual Studio Code), compilers, Remix IDE, and Truffle Framework right away. 

Set up Ethereum nodes using local test networks like Ganache or cloud-based services like Infura to mimic real-world deployments before launching your contracts onto public networks.

Learn How to Write and Test Smart Contracts

Practice writing smart contracts in Solidity or other relevant programming languages by working on various examples and use cases. Start with simple contracts before going on to more complex ones that involve tokens, timelocks, or those that leverage external data from Oracle. 

Learn How to Employ Smart Contracts to The Ethereum Network

After developing extensive experience in writing and testing smart contracts in controlled environments, it’s time to learn how to deploy them on the live Ethereum network. 

Familiarize yourself with multiple deployment options, including traditional wallets or custom-made scripts using the Web3.js library. Moreover, understand how gas fees impact your deployment decisions while also learning about strategies for optimizing gas expenditure. 


How Do You Get Your First Smart Contract Job?

You’ve got some training under your belt, experience, and possibly certification. Now, you can start looking for your first job. Here’s how you go about applying for a blockchain position. 

Create a Portfolio of Projects

A strong portfolio showcasing your smart contract projects will demonstrate your expertise to potential employers or clients. Document the projects you’ve completed during hackathons, open-source collaborations, or through online tutorials and personal experimentation. 

Build a Professional Network

Networking is crucial for career growth in any industry, including smart contract development. Attend conferences, workshops, or local blockchain events to meet professionals and expand your connections within the community. Engaging with others via platforms like LinkedIn.

Develop an Online Presence 

Establishing a robust online presence will make it easier for potential employers to discover your talents as a smart contract developer. Create a sleek website or blog that highlights your experience, skills, and projects while regularly sharing articles on topics related to blockchain.

Stay Up-to-Date With New Technology

As technology evolves rapidly in the realm of blockchain and smart contracts, staying up-to-date is essential for success in this highly competitive field. Subscribe to newsletters from trusted sources, follow industry leaders on social media platforms, and join relevant online forums.

Apply Online 

Target companies that offer job postings related specifically to blockchain developers and apply using well-crafted cover letters showcasing your unique skill set as a smart contract expert. Make sure you practice for every interview and research the company well beforehand.



In Conclusion… 

Now that you’re well-versed in the essential building blocks for becoming a pro smart contract developer, it’s time to embark on your adventure into this exciting realm of technology. With our detailed guide, you’ll be on your way to becoming a standout candidate in the world of Web3.

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