Interview Tips and Tricks to Get Hired

Looking for a job isn’t easy, but if you have submitted your CV and have been called for an Interview, that means you are on the right track. In this article, we would provide you with some interview tips and best practices to help raise your chances of landing that job!

Interview Tips


You might be interested in reading: Submitting a clear CV – the first step of job searching.

Since interviews play a vital role in helping you get hired, then you should be prepared for whatever type you may encounter and do your ultimate best. Job seekers should improve their interviewing skills by learning what to and what not to do in a job interview. We will help you with interview tips and tricks that will guide you to become an exceptional highly-qualified interviewee.

Before we start with the interview tips, let’s examine the types of interviews you might be called into.

5 Types of Interviews one may face when looking for a job

As might be obvious to you, a job interview is a communication between the applicant and the recruiter to further identify a suitable candidate for the job position. Job seekers are eagerly waiting for this stage to arrive as it is a positive step after submitting a CV. Here are 5 types of interviews one may face when looking for a job:

  • Immediate Telephone Interview: An interview that usually happens as an initial stage before the face-to-face interview to get to know more information about the candidate. Since it is an interview on the phone, you can keep your notes with you but that does not mean you shouldn’t be prepared beforehand. What you say on the phone is very important, since it is the first impression you make on your recruiter.
  • One-to-one job interview: A face to face interview that involves the interviewee and only one interviewer. Questions are asked by both to see if the candidate is suitable for the job.
  • Sequential Interview: A set of interviews, each time with a different interviewer. Usually, different questions are asked. But, if the same questions are repeated just answer fully and clearly as the previous time.
  • Group Interview: An interview with one interviewee but many interviewers. In this kind of interview, group discussions and teamwork are emphasized. Speak openly and make sure all is involved in the group.
  • Dinner/Lunch Interview: An interview with a less formal atmosphere. Make sure you follow table manners. This kind of interview allows your recruiter to get to know you on a more personal level. Over here, good and bad communication skills are easily discoverable.

Since interviews play a vital role in helping you get hired, then be prepared for whatever type you may encounter and do your ultimate best to make a great impression!


As mentioned, earlier getting called into the interview would be good for you no matter what is the outcome.


4 Reasons why Interviews are Good for Job Seekers Whether they Get the Jobs or Not

Going through many interviews can feel depressing for some, but as well as helping recruiters find great quality employees, interviews also benefit job seekers. However long interviews may take, they will always bring you a step closer to you landing that job you aspire for. Here are 4 reasons why job interviews benefit you:

  • They strengthen your network: Interviews give you the chance to connect with more people thus, expanding your relations and connections. This will open your chances to other careers and opportunities in the future.
  • Job interviews reveal unexpected opportunities: Interviews open doors ahead of you by expanding your horizons. Your interviewer might not recruit you but may refer you to other job positions that you were not aware of.
  • They help you Refine your job search: Interviews allow you to renew your job search looking for up to date trends and modern paths.
  • They help you Improve your skills: Interviews allow you to find your weak points giving you a chance to improve them. Refining your story and developing your skills will ensure you a better job in the future.

We suggest you keep the above 4 advantages in mind while moving from one interview to the next. As explained, interviews are good for those looking for their dream jobs. The more interviews you take the more experience you get in quality job seeking!


8 Interview Tips you should Always do

Being a highly qualified interviewee needs a lot of work and practice. The more you prepare yourself, the higher the chance you have to tackle any kind of interview you face. This increases your chances of obtaining the job you want as quickly as possible making it. Here are the 8 qualities of a high-standard interviewee:

  • Arriving early to the interview: This is the most important part of being an exceptional interviewee. If you are late, you set a bad image of yourself to the recruiter before the interview even starts.
  • Grooming: Getting well-dressed for the interview is an important method to show your recruiter you are serious and worth their time. Knowing what to wear depends on the company’s culture and on the job position you are trying to get hired for but neatness and cleanliness are essential.
  • Researching the company’s profile: Spending time, before an interview, gathering information about the company and job position you are applying to is a vital step to ensure you are well prepared and know their terminology, challenges, and focus areas.
  • Using contacts: Connections are vital and give you the chance to reach your goals faster. The more you know people in the desired company you are applying for, the better chance you get for obtaining your desired job title.
  • Improving Interview Techniques: Working on your skills regularly is essential when experiencing interviews. Be confident and professional in order to build up your self-image in front of the interviewer. This will be discussed in detail in the next video.
  • Practicing: Dress as if it is the actual interview and get a friend or family member to help you practice questions often asked. The more practice you do, the less nervous you become and the more experience you get in tackling interviews.
  • Handling different kinds of interviews: We have discussed this in the previous video. Be ready for any of the 5 kinds of interviews you might encounter.
  • Saying Thank you: Always thank the interviewer/s at the end of the interview. Remember that even if you were not selected suitable for that job, leaving a good impression might allow them to refer you to other companies or job positions.

We suggest you follow the above steps to WOW your way to become an exceptional highly-qualified interviewee!

7 Interview Tips to Improve Your Interviewing Skills

Once an interview has been set for you, it means that you are beginning the path of getting a job. Job interviews can be crucial for landing a job, so as a job seeker you are advised to regularly work on your interviewing techniques in order to make the best impression. Find the 7 ways to improve your interviewing skills by following the suggested interview tips:

  • Good Nonverbal Communication: Talking is not the only way to show your confidence to the interviewer. Posture, eye contact, and a firm handshake will also do the job.
  • Listening carefully: Listening to the information given to you by the interviewer and letting them know that you heard what they had to say is very important. Try to match their pace and style of talking.
  • Avoid Talking Too Much: Relate only information regarding the job position applied for and match only skills for that position’s requirement.
  • Using Professional Language: Address your interviewer professionally by not using slang words and staying focused on the business discussion. Don’t refer to age, race, religion or politics.
  • Answering and Asking Questions: Be prepared to prove your ability and skills by not only answering questions effectively but by asking the right questions that will help you determine if this is the right place for you.
  • Avoid Being Too Familiar: Remember the interviewer is not your friend. Keep it professional and don’t overstep the line of a candidate looking for a job.
  • Having a Good Attitude: Here you should have a balance between confidence and professionalism. Don’t appear desperate and don’t appear overconfidence.

You know you can do the job and now you should let your recruiter believe it too. By building up your self-image using the above suggested 7 steps, you avoid a quick ending to your interview and hopefully guide your path to an awesome job!


7 Interview Tips that you should Not Do in a Job Interview

There are set of things you should never do in a job interview. Following the points below will help you have a smooth conversation with your recruiter preventing a quick ending. Here are the interview tips that you should not do:

  • Don’t answer your phone or text during the interview. This kind of interruption is not acceptable.
  • Don’t dress inappropriately. Your image starts by the way you dress so take time preparing your look.
  • Don’t talk negatively about previous company and employees. This gives a bad sign that you are not loyal or trustful.
  • Don’t be arrogant. There is a thin line between arrogance and confidence. Know how to appear confident by stating your accomplishments as a company’s winner points. Don’t brag about yourself.
  • Don’t look disinterested. Interviewers end interviewees quickly with boring candidates. They look for interviewees full of energy that could bring optimism and positivity to the company.
  • Don’t answer generally. Be specific with details. Interviewers want to know what skills you have and what achievements you have previously accomplished. They want you to prove to them that you have done it.
  • Don’t be unaware of the company or job. Having little or no information of what you are applying to shows that you are uninterested and definitely unprepared.

As a job seeker, keep the above interview tips that you shouldn’t do in your mind at all times during an interview. This helps you stay in a strong, clear and confident position with your fellow interviewer!


6 Signs Telling You that You Nailed the Interview

There are several signs to know that you have nailed the interview and most probably on route to get the job. This is what all job seekers aim for and dream of. The below signs are an indication that you are on the right track:

  • The interviewer is enjoying the conversation: You know they are by checking out their body language. If they are smiling, making eye contact and leaning slightly toward you then you are on the right track.
  • Interviewer shows you around: Spending time showing you around the office and introducing you to the rest of the team are good indicators that you are being seriously considered for the job.Interviewer goes overtime with the conversation: Spending more time than the slot designated for your interview means that your recruiter wants to know you better and is interested
  • The interviewer tries to sell you the company: Most of the time you are marketing yourself in an interview, trying to convince the recruiter that you are the one for the job. But, when the table is turned and the interviewer starts to sell you the image of his company then it’s a good sign that is surely considered for the job.
  • Interviewer discusses benefits and pay: If interviewer discusses pay information and benefits that the company is willing to offer, without you asking, then you are on the right track.
  • Interviewer asks you for a list of referees: which gives an indication that they are impressed and want to talk to people who can further recommend your work


We hope the above interview tips would raise your chances of getting your dream job.


As explained earlier, being able to tackle an interview comes with time and practice. But if you weren’t able to nail an interview, cheer up and look forward to your next one. Mistakes do happen and it is the only right way to learn and progress!

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