5 Tips for Online Teaching in the Age of Coronavirus Disruption 

online teaching


Online teaching has been forced upon teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic catching many off-guard. Teaching was challenging as is, then an extra burden was put on teachers.  

Wouldn’t you agree?


More than 1.5 billion students and youth across the planet are affected by school and university closures due to the COVID-19 outbreak.– UNESCO 


When the disruption of COVID-19 hit the world and forced schools to go into online teaching or blended learning modes, a lot of the new pressure fell on teachers.  

How do you teach the standard curriculum in the reduced time available? How do you keep the attention of students remotely? How do you enrich the students’ knowledge and excite their curiosity in a remote environment? 


Online teaching reflecting classroom teaching  

Many teachers adapted to teaching online by moving their classroom style engagement to Zoom, Microsoft teams or one of the other web meeting platforms. 

It took some time to adapt to these new technologies, but soon most teachers became proficient in remote teaching through web meeting tools.  

However, are we providing the right teaching experience through that approach? How can we make better use of technology to enrich the student experience and make it easier for teachers? How can we teach real-world education remotely?  

We’ll give you some tips to do just that.  

Here are 5 online teaching tips:  

Schools of the future will deploy these 5 tips in their standard curriculum. However, you can start applying these in your online teaching techniques and be better prepared for the future. 

1- Record your lectures for remote viewing 

Record some of your class lectures at your own pace and send them to the students so they can watch them at their own pace remotely.  The specialist of Essay Tigers claims that this will allow the students to take their time in reviewing or repeating the videos several times until they understand them. 

Moreover, if you’re looking to apply for SEN teaching assistant jobs, you can check here for more information.

2- Use flipped teaching model  

Use the flipped learning model by providing students with videos to watch or materials to read outside of school hours. Then use the live online teaching class sessions for interactive discussions and solving assignments. This will ensure that the students are engaged during the session and are doing most of the talking instead of you. 

3- Encourage self-directed learning as part of your online teaching 

Encourage self-directed learning where your students take the lead in their learning journey. This is an important skill for the future as we reimagine education. Students these days are used to getting access to online tools and resources, so this approach to teaching online helps them put their web expertise into use. 

4- Use project-based work in your online teaching 

Focus on project-based work that students can collaborate on, teaching them the importance of teamwork. Projects are also great to let the students mix between the online work that they are doing with real world activities.  

5- Create a competition or game as part of your class 

Create a competition or game that challenges the students and incentivizes them to put in the extra effort to do the work. You can also create a #hashtag as part of your remote teaching class where the students post their milestones. This would be sure to create excitement and a buzz amongst them. 


A sample online teaching program 

As an example of a program that was built for a blended learning experience, you can check out Tatawwar. If you are residing in Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Kuwait, Qatar or the UAE, you can also register and enroll your students.

The self-directed program focuses on the students taking the lead in coming up with innovative solutions to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  

While the students take the lead in learning about the SDGs, Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship, they are supported by online teaching tools – such as webinars and coaching sessions. The best students that make it through the competition are also invited to attend in-person project development activities in their cities.   

This online teaching example prepares the students for the needs of future jobs.


According to one recent estimate by Accenture, as much as US$11.5 trillion could be added to global GDP by 2028 if countries succeed in better preparing learners for the needs of the future economy. 


If you are interested to participate in the program as a teacher, you can register on tatawwar.com/teachers-track.

Online teaching is the future!

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the pace of change and forced us to embrace new digital technologies.  

Online teaching is here to stay and the more you get comfortable with it and embrace the best practices, the better your teaching job opportunities and the happier your students will be. 


Enjoy your online teaching, and prepare for the future of education! 

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